Released in 2001 as a team model for DC, a triple collaboration between MANTECA, DC's iconic skate shoes, and Kinnikuman, a work by boiled eggs that is a representative manga of Japan, and atmos is realized.
In this collaboration, three types of sneakers will be sold, including a SPECIAL BOX printed with the drawings of the three characters Suguru, Robin Mask, and Ramenman, and a soft vinyl set manufactured and sold by CONVICT.
The image colors of the characters Suguru, Robin Mask, and Ramenman are expressed by atmos in sneakers using various materials.
It is an interesting design that feels interesting, such as mixing gimmicks such as "meat" and "darkness" that can be recognized at a glance with Kinnikuman, and shifting the LOGO on the side that is not normal MANTECA. In addition, the outsole is a clear color and the character is drawn larger.
The soft vinyl is available in three colors: normal, clear, and marble (phosphorescent).